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The Ultimate Checklist to Successfully Manufacture New Products

the ultimate checklist when manufacturing new products
I'm Marie-Louise!

In my 20 years of working as a product & project manager, I’ve got to know some great tools and gained valuable experience to efficiently develop products. I love to share my knowledge and these tools with you.

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When starting with a new product idea it’s very tempting to move fast. You want to find a supplier quickly. So, you search for one that makes the same kind of products you’re looking for. You send over some requests for product changes via email. They adjust their existing product to your needs and you order a large quantity to put on stock……

What happens is that you’ll most likely be very disappointed with the products you’ll receive. They don’t look nice, the finishing seems cheap, the colors are off, and the overall quality is rubbish.

Therefore a thorough preparation before ordering any final products is essential if you want to successfully develop, manufacture and launch your products.

Following a checklist with all the important steps and topics is the way to go before signing off on your new product!

This way you can avoid delay, extra development costs, high inventory costs or even worse….. scrap costs because your products doesn’t sell. And you definitely don’t want that to happen to your great product ideas!

If you’re interested in learning more about developing and manufacturing your products like a pro, download my free Checklist to Successfully Manufacture New Products, by clicking the link below.

Yes! Give me the Checklist!

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Hi, I'm Marie-Louise.

I help product founders become successful in creating and managing their physical product ideas. And create space in their day so they work efficient and can grow their product businesss with confidence.

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