What you need is a proven framework that guides you step-by-step from product idea to launch and facilitates you to easily discover deviations from planning or budget and take pro-active measures.
After this one hour workshop you'll have your first draft ready of your Product Development Framework. Start using it right away in your business!
I'm worried about product development timelines, resource allocation, overlooking important deliverables, stakeholder management and cost overruns.
I'm tired of the stress and hiccups that come with developing new products and dream of a streamlined process and an efficient team
I've no idea where to start and feel overwhelmed by all the activities on my plate
Sign Me Up!
Enroll Now
Thursday, May 15
11:00 AM PST
Learned next steps how to deploy this framework in your business and how to make it complete.
More clarity and overview of how you can control project costs, project planning and experts working on your product.
Have your 1st draft Framework to support you in going from idea to launch
In this 1-hour training, I’ll help you transform chaotic product processes into a framework with clarity, control and overview. No more guesswork!
(Seriously… in ONE HOUR!)
May 15
SAve my spot!
"Marie-Louise speaks and writes in various languages.
Project management, marketing, sales, design, programming, content and never forgets to put the needs of our customers first."
Enroll Now
Thursday, May 15
11:00 AM PST
I'm a seasoned project manager, working for multinational companies and responsible for managing international project teams to develop and market physical consumer products and b2b solutions.
I'll be teaching you my proven framework to develop and market your physical products, from ideation phase all the way through development, manufacturing and launch.
If you're ready to bring new product to life without cost overruns, delay and stress, you need to learn and implement THIS framework.
We'll go in detail on what this framework is and how to create it for your business during this FREE training.
"By following this course I keep an overview of the different phases in a project."
Enroll Now
Thursday, May 15
11:00 AM PST