Project management

3 Secrets to Build your Project Management Team in your Product-based Business

3 Secrets to Build Your Project Management Team in Your Product-based Business
I'm Marie-Louise!

In my 20 years of working as a product & project manager, I’ve got to know some great tools and gained valuable experience to efficiently develop products. I love to share my knowledge and these tools with you.

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Are you planning to build a project management team? Here are some tips to help you be successful in building an efficient project management team in a product-based business.

As you know, developing new products comes with lots of moving parts. From defining the product specifications, going into development, manufacturing and finally product launch, there are a lot of different disciplines and experts involved.

These team members need to be motivated, inspired, and managed to successfully develop and introduce new products.

A big responsibility for the project manager

When building your project management team, you need to assure your team brings structure, clarity, and overview in their specific project teams. They need to get all noses in the same direction and be very effective in managing their team.

3 Secrets to Build your Project Management Team in your Product-based Business

  1. You can help them by implementing a project management framework in your business.
    • Divide projects in phases (e.g., idea generation, concept, development, manufacturing, and launch).
    • Define actions and responsible persons in every phase.
    • Use the same templates for project planning, budgeting, action lists over and over again. People in your business will start to recognize the templates and it’ll be easier to go through these documents and get you team aligned.
    • For every new project, you can use the same structure and template.

  1. Use a standard folder structure for every project. It’s easier to find documents as the folder structure is known, clear and logical. Every project team member will learn where to archive documents, and other team members don’t have to search for a long time before they find what they need.

  1. Spend time on getting the right mind-set in your team. Help them to feel confident and in control. Coach them on how they can improve their communication skills, how they can react to resistance from other stakeholders in the business.

When implementing the above 3 tips, you’ll set-up your project management team for success. By implementing a structure, you bring clarity and overview, and your team members can translate and implement this structure in every project they manage.

The project teams can work more efficiently and get more done while meeting the project goals.

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Hi, I'm Marie-Louise.

I help product founders become successful in creating and managing their physical product ideas. And create space in their day so they work efficient and can grow their product businesss with confidence.

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If you encounter a challenge in your product development activities, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
