Project management

Organizing Your Projects and How to Become a Master

I'm Marie-Louise!

In my 20 years of working as a product & project manager, I’ve got to know some great tools and gained valuable experience to efficiently develop products. I love to share my knowledge and these tools with you.

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Do you ever feel stressed when you can’t find the document you’re looking for on your computer? Or do your hands get sweaty when you see various planning files but can’t tell which one of them is the latest version of the project you’re working on?

In this case you might like to learn more on Organizing Your Projects and How to Become a Master.

Let me take you through this step-by-step so you can implement what you learn right now and never feel stressed around organizing your projects.

So, here are my tips around Organizing your projects and How to Become a Master.

TIP 1: Create a clear and logical folder structure.

Create folders for every phase in your project and for every expertise working in your project team. Save documents in the right folder and arrange proper version control. You can do this by giving every new version of a document a version number, e.g. 0.1 followed by 0.2 and so on.

Or you have automatic version control by ‘checking-out’ your document and when you’re done, ‘check-in’ your document again. In this way you ensure you always have the last version on hand.

TIP 2: Always make meeting minutes and allocate responsibilities and deadlines.

Make sure to always note down actions from your project team meetings, when those actions need to be finished and who is responsible.

This makes it easy for you to follow-up and keep the project on track. Also note down any decisions that have been made in your meetings. Add the specific date and who were present when that decision was made. This allows you to go back in your minutes and look up quickly what was decided, when and who were involved. This can come in handy when there is discussion or misalignment on certain topics. You’ve got this covered!

TIP 3: Organize your project team and have commitment on their available capacity.

At the start of your new project, you need to create and organize your project team. So, you have everyone involved from the beginning. To be able to do this, you need to have confirmation on their availability for your project.

At the start of every new project, decide which expertise you need in your team. Think about which colleagues you prefer to work with who will contribute and add value to your project the most. If you have this list of names, estimate how much time they need to spend on your project. You can indicate this as a % of their working day, in the number of hours needed per week or per month.

This makes it easier for the supervisor of these colleagues to decide whether they are available for your project or not.

When you have the confirmation from your team members, you can organize your project kick-off meeting with your team and give your project a good start!

So here you have it, my 3 tips for Organizing Your Projects and How to Become a Master

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Hi, I'm Marie-Louise.

I help project managers and entrepreneurs become successful in managing
new product development projects.
And create space in their day so they work efficient and can manage their teams with confidence.

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